Happy Socks

Elevating Happy Socks to eCommerce greatness, a Swedish brand present in 90 countries and 21 online stores. Founded in 2008, Happy Socks aims to inspire self-expression through vibrant colors and creativity.
Happy Socks
Data-driven design, Growth Design


Happy Socks sought to unlock untapped creative potential and drive growth through iterative design and data-driven strategies. Our challenge: revolutionize their workflow, sparking innovation and optimization for elevated results and conversion rates.


I led the formation of a dynamic digital growth team, merging UX design, data analysis, eCommerce, product development, and digital marketing. Collaborating with the Product Manager, we embarked on a transformative journey to revitalize the webshop.

By diving deep into website data, we uncovered insights, established metrics, and embraced A/B testing. Addressing bottlenecks, we iterated and prioritized weekly, crafting a flawless customer experience. Data guided our decisions.

As a trusted consultant, I facilitated seamless integration, uniting stakeholders in transformative collaboration. From design to implementation, my role extended beyond consultation. In this empowered team, each member enacted swift changes, reshaping their digital presence.


Happy Socks embraced transformation, aligning strategic design with business objectives, usability, accessibility, UX copywriting, and conversion optimization. Our collaboration amid Covid led to launch a new product which sold out in 4 days. Introducing a quick view feature on product pages sparked remarkable results. Conversion rates soared by 15% in Germany and 33% in the US over three months. This cultural shift infused every department with a lean, design-driven ethos, propelling Happy Socks to exponential growth in conversion rates.

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Where Design Meets Enigma.

Crafting the Future of Coworking, we invite you to step into a creative oasis as we open our doors in 2024. Embark on a journey of inspiration, connection, and limitless possibilities. Stay tuned for more.